The best time to try something new or take your practice to the next level is today! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been practicing for a few weeks or a few years you should always welcome growth with open arms.
Is it time to reset and restore your flow or maybe you just want to get excited about your practice again, either way these four tips will help you get there.
Tip 1: Tackle a New Pose
Growth is an adventure, you may not know what comes next and you’ll definitely never know if you don’t try. So hop on Pinterest or Instagram and allow yourself to be inspired. Seek out a pose (within your flexibility level) that you never tried before and focus your energy each day on accomplishing this new exciting pose. Remember mindset is everything!
Tip 2: Attend a Workshop or a Group Class
We all know it can be a lot easier to stay in our pajamas and focus our practice at home. Within the comfort of our homes we don’t have to worry about judgment or comparison, but changing the pace and checking out a class can be extremely beneficial to identifying areas in which you can grow your practice. Make sure to check out your local studios and sign up for a few classes each month where you can step out of your comfort zone and learn something new!
Tip 3: Find a New Book or Blog
One of the hardest parts of practicing yoga is remembering that along with flexibility and strength our mindset also plays a huge role in the level at which we grow. This is why it is so valuable to make time each week to sit down with a form of literature that encourages you to focus on personal growth. From optimism to mindfulness there’s so many areas in which we can grow endlessly. Some of our favorites are Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get on the Mat, Love Your Body by Jessamyn Stanley, The Yoga Nomads Blog, The Bad Yogi Blog and Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff.
Tip 4: Give Yourself Grace
Yoga is a different experience for everyone and so it is important to understand each pose will look different for you. Your day one downward dog will look very different than day 200, so allow yourself the opportunity to just start. Simply pull up a video, roll out your mat, and begin because that is where it all begins. The journey is one to be felt with your heart and body, so when it starts to feel difficult it in translation is showing you an opportunity to grow, so take it. Need a place to start check out one of our mats here