From the ever awesome: Cultures For Health

This crunchy, raw, sprouted granola comes together quickly once all of the seeds have been sprouted. It makes great use of several different types of sprouts and tastes wonderful. If dehydrated below 113°F, all of the enzymes of the grain and seeds will remain intact, for a delicious and light breakfast. Use buckwheat and sunflower seeds that are just beginning to show their sprouting tail.



  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the honey, cinnamon, vanilla, and salt. Add in the sprouted buckwheat, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds. Mix well to combine.
  2. Spread the mixture onto two dehydrator sheets, if using a dehydrator, or two sheet pans if drying in the oven. 
  3. Place trays in dehydrator or oven set to its lowest temperature. Dry 6-8 hours or until crunchy. 
  4. Mix chopped dried fruit into cooled granola.
  5. Stores well in an airtight container at room temperature.