Seeing the Forrest (Yoga) for the trees...

So on our recent trip to Asheville we fell in love with The Little Volcano. It's a wife and wife run yoga studio that specializes in the practice of Forrest Yoga.

If you're not familiar with Forrest Yoga it was designed by west coast teacher, Ana Forrest. By incorporating elements of Native American healing into yoga, it encourages students to go deep within and use their practice as therapy. The postures are intended to build internal heat to sweat out toxins and release emotions stored deep in the body. There is also a focus on releasing tension in the neck, which helps clear the paths for the intelligence of our brain to flow freely with the wisdom of our body. 

As for the studio... well, straight from their website: 

"The idea to start a yoga studio was born on a full moon. After we completed our Forrest Yoga 200 hour Foundation Teacher Training in May 2013, We knew we wanted to help Ana Forrest with her mission of "mending the hoop of the people." We also knew we wanted to live somewhere with warmth and beautiful nature, and lots of weirdos."

Sound like a fun place? It is.

Full of good vibes and great yoga, if you're near Asheville you have to stop in and check them out! Thanks, Aho, and Namaste Rosie & Kara!


The Little Volcano | 62 Wall St. Asheville NC 28801 | (828) 552.4713 |